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How do I add my document as a link to my website?

2 mins read

Adding a document to your website is quick and easy! Just follow these steps, and you’ll have it set up in no time:

  1. Log in to your website. Learn how here >
  2. Navigate to the section where you want to add your document.
  3. Write your link name, such as "Download PDF Here," and highlight it.
  4. Click on the chain icon. Screenshot_2024-04-29_at_30944 PM.png
  5. Find the 4th option labeled "Link List" and select your newly uploaded document.  Screenshot 2024-12-20 at 11.18.00 AM

  6. Use the "Class" option to decide whether you’d like it displayed as a Button or a Link.Screenshot 2024-12-20 at 11.19.46 AM

  7. In the same box, click the blue ‘Save’ button located at the bottom right corner. Screenshot_2024-04-29_at_31240 PM.png 

And you’re done! Your link or button will now appear on your website, ready for visitors to use.

Screenshot 2024-12-20 at 11.20.57 AM

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Written by Vanessa Marchant
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