Can I add a banner to make my website GDPR/CCPA cookie compliant?
If your website collects user data (like cookies) and is accessible to visitors from the European Union (EU) or California, adding a cookie-consent banner is crucial for complying with privacy regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). These laws require websites to inform visitors about the data being collected and to give them the choice to accept or reject certain cookies.
You can add a free GDPR/CCPA compliance cookie-consent banner to your Jottful website.
You should consider turning it on if:
- If you’re based in California or the EU, or if you’re targeting visitors from these regions.
- If your website uses cookies to track user behavior, analyze traffic, or store preferences.
- If you want to ensure that your website meets current privacy standards.
Even if you choose to turn on the banner, it will only appear if you’re actually using third-party code on your website.
If you’re using third-party code and you prefer not to add the banner — but you’re not sure if you need it — ask your lawyer what they recommend. (We’re not lawyers here at Jottful. :blush: )
What would it look like?
For new visitors to your website, the banner would rest at the bottom of the screen. The color automatically matches your website design.
How does it work?
If you choose to add this banner, Jottful will disable all third-party code on your website unless the visitor expressly agrees that you can collect cookies. This may change the way some of your other software works; you may want to contact those software companies to discuss the implications.
Does it cost anything to add this banner?
Nope; it’s free to add and use.
How do I add it?
It’s so easy! Simply:
- Contact Jottful Support
- Let us know you want the cookie-consent banner
- We’ll turn it on for you